Indo Shell Cast has equipped itself with advanced technological developments which account for its superior process of casting and moulding and bulk production.

Shell moulding

10 Semi Automatic 4 station shell moulding (PLC controlled) machines are capable of producing 12000 moulds everyday which finds its application in casting intricate shaped hydraulic and automobile components ranging from 0.05 Kg’s to 15.0 Kg’s.


  • Dimensional accuracy of +- 0.3mm of these machines when interfaced with the electronic weighing scales for online weight measurement enables to study machine capability.
  • Inbuilt Poka – Yoke system for Pre- Heating and mould curing ensures proper control of the temperature.

Core Shooting

14 semi automatic PLC controlled vertical core shooters again with Poka- Yoke System to produce complex shell cores for hydraulic and automobile applications.


  • Controls process parameters such as Sand Shooting Pressure, Sand Investment time and Sand Curing temperature.


4 medium frequency, one ton capacity induction furnaces with 8 crucibles melt nearly 2000 tons of metal every month.


  • Equipped with Spectrometers and Melt lab
    Indo –Shell cast produces sumptuous molten metal for various applications.
  • Standards and Normalization (also called Spheroidisation) is carried out through PLC controlled sophisticated used wire magnesium treatment process.

Quality Control

At Indo- Shell Cast, quality starts right from the selection of the resources. Aided by stringent quality checks and controls in every stage of the process, the Process drastically reduces the risk of final inspection, enabling mitigation of the quality costs.

Some interesting highlights of our Quality Control Process:

  • Spectrometers( 26 element analyzer), melt lab, image analyzer , ultrasonic velocity meter- Ensure metallurgical superiority of the castings
  • VTM’s and various hardness testers ensure conformity of mechanical properties of the casting.
  • Emm, Height master, Profile Projector and other conventional measuring instruments ensure dimensional accuracy of the castings.
  • Similarly Millipore checks enable cleanliness of the casting.
  • Soundness of the castings is measured by Ultrasonic Flow detectors, Gamma ray, X- ray and magnetic particle testing.


At Indo Shell Cast, Superior Products, Sound Quality Control Process matches with Excellent Delivery Systems.

Packaging is custom designed to suit the specific requirements of the domestic and international supplies.

Many crucial factors like Seaworthiness, Shelf life, Rust Prevention, Pest Control, Termite Control, Size of the package, Handling systems at customer end are considered to ensure proper delivery.